Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sleep Deprivation

Why, you may ask, are we posting a picture of k's backside? Well, it is to illustrate what happens when babies deprive their parents of sleep. D and I have a deal that I can wake him up once in the middle of the night to change k's diaper. Last week, during the mid-night diaper change, k also needed a new outfit. In the morning, we realized D put her outfit on backwards! We got a good laugh out of that one.

k has been spending more time outside of our condo the past couple of days. Yesterday we went to MnM's (WPC's mom's ministry) and my parents' house. Today k and I hung out in Irvine with k's aunt and uncle while D went to work. We went to the Farmers Market, Stricklands, and Lee's Sandwiches. k pretty much slept the whole time in her stroller.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! The backwards outfit just gave me the best laugh this weekend. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Were you changing her in the dark?
Is Stricklands another reason to move to Irvine?