The walk itself went through the campus of UCI. We were at the very front, at the starting line. We finished in about 48 minutes--not bad. I was glad we were at the front though, because there was a major back-up of people behind us. They were barely walking! Plus, we were able to get in line for the food earlier. :)
k started to get antsy right before the race started. She calmed down once we started moving, though, and eventually fell asleep.
Someone, who will remain nameless, dislikes wearing socks, and didn't even wear socks for the walk!
Look at that traffic jam!
Headed towards the finish line.
k had a Mazda shirt too, but it was way too big. She wore her Reebok track suit instead. She really stood out in the team photo.
1 comment:
Does the name of the "nameless" person who doesn't like to wear socks, start with a "K" and end with an "N"? Just a guess.
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