You can't really tell, but this was a good size mushroom, about half a foot tall. Isn't funny that when I saw it, one of my first thoughts was, "I have to take a picture of it for our blog!"
Changing the subject...last night I had fun watching the Oscars (with no commercials, thanks to Tivo). As D knows, this is "my night" to park myself in front of the t.v. for a good chunk of time without any guilt. I sent D to get our dinner from Island Grill. D is notorious for messing up our take-out orders, so last night he did a little role playing before he left, acting out exactly how he was going to order:
Cashier: How are you doing?
D: Well, thanks. I'll take the [insert our order, reading off the take-out menu]
Cashier: What size drink?
D: Small, please.
Cashier: Anything else?
D: Nope, that's all.
Cashier: OK, that'll be [insert $ amount]
About five minutes after he left our home for the restaurant, the phone rings. It's D.
D: Island Grill is the place on [insert cross-streets], right?
L: No! It's the one on [insert street name]!
D: Oh, well I'm at [insert different Hawaiian take-out place] and the guy already gave me a sample, so can't we just get food here?
L: No! Go to Island Grill!!
Lesson learned: We must also rehearse exactly how D will get to the restaurant in order to ensure he goes to the right place!
It looks like a 1up mushroom from Super Mario Brothers! Maybe someone was looking for an extra life...
Maybe D still doesn't think of Orange County as home yet. You guys are too funny.
It won't be long before K will be able to accompany him and get him to the right place.
That was an enjoyable post. The mushroom made me thing of my high schoolers..."shrooms" are quite popular with the kids who do who-knows-what with them, as well as annoy me by drawing them everywhere! And I have to give D least he called and asked for directions!!
Ha ha... so Derek ;-)
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