Thursday, March 13, 2008

Urgent Care

Last night I took k to Urgent Care because she hurt her wrist. I was sitting on the couch, and she was standing next to the couch. I got up, and we bumped into each other. I guess her hand/arm was in a bad position because she yelped out in pain and started crying. I wasn't able to calm her down like I usually do when she gets hurt, and she was grabbing her wrist. I called the doctor's office, and the nurse could hear her crying. Since it was 5:30 and the office was closed, she advised me to give k Tylenol and go to Urgent Care. She was supposed to get four x-rays (2 of each arm) but k would not sit still! The tech could only take one, and the doctor wanted a radiologist to look at it since baby's bones are hard to read. Today we had to go back to take another x-ray. There were two techs, so one was able to help me pin k down. She seemed much better today and was using her arm, and good news--no fracture! Scary stuff, this parenthood thing.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear K is OK. Would be sad to see her little arm in a cast. Thankfully, babies aren't as fragile as they look.

J+Di Di said...

Phew, I am glad to hear that K is ok~~ What a scare!

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