Sunday, January 02, 2011

k's 4th Birthday Party

As mentioned earlier, we had to postpone k's party to the day after Christmas. This was not ideal, as many people understandably already had plans for that day. However, it probably turned out for the best since we can only hold so many people in our house comfortably.

The theme was pinwheels and we kept it pretty simple. Light snacks, cake, ice cream, cookie decorating and a cookie swap.




Everything went smoothly until what will now be called the "birthday candle incident".

See, k could not blow out the candles because they were too far away.

So, we turned the cake around, she leaned over to blow out the candles, and her hair caught on fire! Luckily, D quickly put the flame out, k was unhurt, and no major damage was done to her hair. Just some fried ends. I didn't know what was happening until it was over, so I didn't have time to be scared. The smell of burnt hair lingered in the air for a bit, but we were just relieved that k was OK. Lesson learned.


Anonymous said...

How did D put out the flame? With his bare hands?

Lauren said...

Yep! Thankful that he was unharmed, too.