We've been busy the past few days.
Sat.: Movers brought our stuff out of storage and moved it into our new home.
Went to a luau at church. Unable to put our bed together due to lost clamps.
Sun.: Sunday School/Service. (k didn't cry when we dropped her off!)
Lunch with parents at Panera.
Parents helped us with unpacking.
Failed attempt to buy Costco pizza. Ended up at "Pandy X", as D likes
to call it.
Found clamps for bed frame, but now can't find two of the
wheels. D has ingenious idea to use toilet paper rolls.
Mon.: Brought kids to parents' to work since we didn't have internet access.
Came home before 2 p.m. to let in the cable/internet guy.
D was able to get home in 15 minutes.
Went to dinner w/friends at Curry House.
Tues.: Mom took k to California Adventure with her free birthday admission.
(k got scared on the Toy Story ride and doesn't like new things in general.
We're going to have to work on that.)
I worked while my Dad took care of n. (n is going through a stage where
he is EXTREMELY attached to me. We call him mama's boy.)