Thursday, April 17, 2008

4th Year Anniversary

Today was our 4th year wedding anniversary. D got home early, around 6 p.m. I made D's favorite home-made meal. Salmon with teriyaki sauce with rice with a side of veggies.

Yesterday I bought some good strawberries at a stand and gave some to my parents.
strawberry 2
Look at the size of that thing! You just can't find that in the grocery store, though you pay dearly for it.

Today my mom brought over this:
strawberry trifle
D says we should buy food for my parents more often!


Anonymous said...

1) Happy Anniversary!
2) I always make the mistake of reading your blog when I am hungry.
3) Curious to know what that delicious looking strawberry dish is. (I think you should create a new blog just for all those great recipes!)


Lauren said...

I forgot to it is a strawberry trifle. Cake layered with strawberries and a whipped cream/cream cheese topping, I think.

J+Di Di said...

Happy Anniversary!!