Thursday, May 03, 2012

New Sofa

At the beginning of the year, D set a budget for “home improvement”.  Well, the year is not even half way over, but with the flooring and our new sofa, we have reached our max.  My future home improvement dreams will have to wait until next year (which is OK, because I think it is better to do it over time).

Apparently, n doesn’t enjoy shopping for furniture. 


Here is our old sofa, a hand me down from my parents that has seen better days.  Salvation Army will be picking it up next week.  It served us well.  I spent many hours on that sofa, especially in our old condo, when k was just born.  I overheard k telling n that the sofa was “really old, like we had it since she was a baby”.  Haha…it’s a lot older than that!


The new sofa.  Crossing our fingers that the kids don’t wreck it!



Anonymous said...

Looks great! Just keep cattle prods and knives away from the kids.

Miss Crayola Creepy said...

Fancy!!! It looks good with the flooring!