Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hollywood Pictures Backlot

Like Disneyland, CA Adventure is split into different "lands". I will start with the Hollywood Pictures Backlot. Here is D getting "lost":

The best ride here is the Tower of Terror:
Tower of Terror
We waited in line behind this REALLY talkative boy and his mom. He was so excited and kept trying to tell us what it was like. His mom told him that he shouldn't ruin the surprise, so then he tried to throw us off track and said it was "like a swing." Anyway, this ride wasn't here the last time we went, so I'm glad we were able to experience it.

One of the longest waits we had was for the new Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue! ride. The line was actually only about 30 minutes, but still not really worth it. This ride replaced the Superstar Limo ride, which was also a bust. As one person pointed out, they just made the limos look like taxis.

Another new attraction is Turtle Talk with Crush (from Finding Nemo). There was an animated Crush on a screen and he talked interactively with the audience. This was kinda cool, but he said "Dude" even more than D! Cha!

The Muppet Vision 3D show is fun, better than Honey I shrunk the Audience. The best part is being around people that have never been and seeing/hearing their reactions.

In the afternoon we watched Disney's Aladdin--A Musical Spectacular in the Hyperion Theater. I was surprised at how nice the theater was. I suggest lining up for the Mezzanine level so you're at eye level with Aladdin and Jasmine on their "magic carpet ride". Aladdin was this Asian guy, so that was kind of weird. It was the genie that stole the show, though. He got some genuine laughs out of D & me. The whole thing lasted about an hour, so it was a good time to rest our feet.

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