Monday, May 29, 2006

Pasadena Summer Fest

We just got bck from the Pasadena Summer Fest at the Rose Bowl. We didn't stay too long because it was too hot. They had different booths set up for "A Taste of Summer" and we had a Jamaican chicken kebab, pad thai, and a peach italian ice. All of the seating was on the grass and it was bring your own blankets/lawn chairs which I always think is fun. We heard the Pasadena City College Studio Jazz Ensemble:
Pasadena City College Jazz
Their band leader sang on one of the songs, which I thought was strange. They also played a Gordon Goodwin tune, which D and I recognized from the Gordon Goodwin concert we went to a couple months back.
We also heard a little bit of Afro-Cuban Timbre Jazz:
AC Timbre Jazz

D cover up
Here's D reading Business Week (again!), trying not to roast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peach Italian ice--mmmm, can summer be far behind? You should try making some with your ice cream maker.