Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Relaxing Weekend


Yesterday we had a visitor on our balcony. Granted, a visiting cat doesn't seem that out of the ordinary, but we were surprised since our condo is on the second floor. I guess he/she climbed up a nearby tree and took a flying leap. This same cat climbed our stairs a couple of weeks ago and dashed through our front door which D had momentarily left ajar.

I love this season weather-wise. We had a brief spat of rain on Friday night, perfect for reading in bed. Saturday the air was brisk and D and I watched college football. (I'm getting sucked in, I tell you. It's much more interesting now that Cal is actually decent!) In the afternoon we hung out at Barnes & Noble in the Tustin Marketplace and met up with a group of people to celebrate E.Y.'s birthday at Buca. D was able to have his fave--chicken marsala.

Today at church I found out that my friend was in the hospital, going into labor. I'm excited for her and her husband, but at the same time it is kind of scary to think that will be us in a couple of months.

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