Being a new parent it is easy to look ahead. I have heard that after the first three months it gets easier since they cry less. And also it is nice when they turn one since they are much stronger by then. And according to my mother-in-law at 16 months because they are really cute then.
However, God has taught me something important this week. In BSF we are looking at Ch 8 of Romans. According to BSF it is arguably the best chapter in the Bible. Romans 8:28 says that "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good, for those who love God; for those who are called according to His purpose."
At times I find myself looking ahead as well mainly because I like to have control over my life. And when you have a newborn it changes things. I can't always run at a certain time, or even if I did I might not have gotten the sleep I wanted. In addition, there are more concerns and responsibilities (usually not what a guy wants). However, studying this verse gives me comfort that in all situations God will cause me to grow more in the likeness of His Son. Parenting can add some wrinkles in one's life, but this will allow one opportunities to grow and produce spiritual fruit e.g. patience. I have learned to enjoy the time I get to spend with k now despite her cries. I love it when she is peaceful and she looks at me. But also I enjoy it when she cries and I get to use my fake Italian accent to try to calm her down.