Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It Gets Easier, Right?

Today we went to k's 2 week check up with the pediatrician. (He was on vacation last week). She now weighs 7 lbs. 11 oz., (which is good, since she initially lost too much of her birth weight). D can't wait for her to hit the big 8.0 (lbs., that is). k was surprisingly very calm when the doctor examined her. I'm not really looking forward to her next visit, since she will be getting her immunizations.

The sleepless nights are starting to take their toll on us. I've been told the first month is the hardest, and I'm really hoping that is true. D and I were used to getting 8+ hours of sleep a night...that now seems like a distant memory.

Every Kiss Begins With k

Getting Ready for Bedtime


Senator said...

she is so sweet! I hope you get more sleep soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, mom and dad!! :)

Anonymous said...

that was me

Lauren said...

Thanks for the encouraging words. :)

Anonymous said...

She is sooo cute. All the sleepless nights are totally worth it at the end. You are doing a great job! Not sure if this would help you, but just want share our experience. For the first 4 months, Shaun slept with my aunt in her bed. For 10 days after we arrived at the U.S., Simon and I let Shaun sleep between us in the "baby changer," so we could just roll over to comfort him when he lost his pacifier without even waking up ourselves. He had no problem sleeping in his own bed right away when we bought the PackNPlay.
