Monday, February 26, 2007

9 Weeks/2 Months


On Friday k went to her first restaurant--Sweetie Thai! We met up with one of D's friends from B-school who was visiting from New Jersey. k was very well-behaved (she slept in her car seat in the beginning, and then stayed quiet while D and I took turns holding her). There was another 12 week old baby in a car seat right next to us who also slept soundly the whole time. I guess the key is to get a table with a booth so the car seat can fit on top.

On Saturday we ventured out to Bella Terra. There is a nice seating area in the middle with astro turf where kids like to run around. We just parked the stroller and ate lunch out there to enjoy the beautiful weather.

bella terrawater fall

Also of note, k slept for a record 4 hour period of time in her crib last night! Yes!

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