Monday, March 26, 2007

Irvine Regional Park

We took k to yet another park last Saturday--Irvine Regional Park (which is actually located in Orange). As you may have figured out by now, I enjoy a picnic, so we brought some food along. We were blessed by another day of beautiful weather. Afterward, we took a walk and made sure to steer clear of rattlesnakes (there were warning signs). We also saw some WPC people on the mini train that circles the park during our walk. When we headed over to the station we ran into them again and chatted for a while. This park is at the top of k's list--too bad we didn't take more pictures. Irvine Regional Park is also the home of the OC zoo, but D didn't want to go because he thought it would be too smelly.


Senator said...

i love all these pictures! you are a lovely family. :) I hope to meet k soon!

Anonymous said...

I went there a few months ago to help a friend who was watching his little nieces. The train ride was nice.