Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Great Balloon

This morning we met up with two of D's co-workers and their families at the Great Balloon. Currently the rides are free, but starting in 2008, tickets will cost $20 (so go now). There was a fair number of people already there when we arrived, around 10:15. You have to sign a waiver and get a number. Our wait was a little over half hour, but we heard the wait can grow to two hours at peak times.

great balloon
D + k waiting in line.

A view from the underside. According to the operator, we only went up around 275 feet (the max is 500 feet). The allowed height varies with the wind conditions and the number of people riding. D's co-worker W asked a question that was probably on all of our minds: what happens if the tethering cable breaks? The operator reassured us that we would remain afloat as if in a regular hot air balloon, and that he could maneuver the balloon to a safe landing. That was good to hear, especially for a particular someone in our party who is afraid of heights!

View from the top. Can you find the Mazda building? I don't think k had any awareness that we were up high.

leaving Great Balloon
The rest of our group exiting the balloon.

k and her new friend, M, who is only around one month younger.

All in all it was a fun outing. It was certainly worth the cost of admission (haha). I guess we need to be on the lookout for some other cheap, child-friendly activities around the area. Suggestions are welcome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.