Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Week Goes By

Wow. It really is September now. The new fall t.v. season is on, not to mention college football :) Saturday D listened to the Cal game on the radio while I watched Oregon beat up Michigan. For some reason, I got into that one. Gotta love those "statute of liberty" plays--haha! Go Pac-10.

Saturday night we went to dinner hosted by a couple that D knows from b-school. D happened to run into them while having lunch in Irvine during the work week a while back. They have a 22 month old daughter who is so cute...she was sharing ALL of her toys with k. It's hard to imagine k will be that age soon, talking and walking.

Sunday was "Super SEYO Sunday" at WPC. We had a guest speaker, Jason Wright, formerly of the Seattle Super Sonics. I think that's a cool team name, btw. After the luncheon we stopped in at Joe's Italian Ice, which my mom had raved about. D had the Orange Twist and I had the Bada Bing Cherry Joe Latti. I really liked my italian ice--it had chunks of cherry in it! I want to try the other flavors now.

Here are some pictures of k standing up:
k's hair is getting pretty "fro-y". It won't stay down! She gets that from D.

Playing with the blinds. k can make anything amusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the "Asian Fro" that babies have!!! I saw a little boy at the airport last month whose fro must have been 2 inches high and you could tell it wouldn't go down if you tried. btw, I love Joe's Italian ice too...can't wait to try the banana one.