Sunday, December 02, 2007


Well, the holiday season is upon us, and already it feels really busy. On Saturday morning I went to a Women's Christmas brunch at WPC and we were reminded that the focus should be on the birth of Jesus.

From Wednesday until today we were all staying at my parents' house because our condo was being fumigated. It kind of felt like a mini vacation since our meals/dishes were taken care of and we were sleeping in a different bed. However, now our place is a mess (food in bags, laundry to be done, etc.) I guess the vacation is over!

We still have some shopping to do, but I'm hoping to get most of it done on the internet this week. I need to get the remainder of my Christmas cards out this week, too. Also, I am trying to plan k's 1st birthday party in a couple of weeks. On top of all of this, my work hours have temporarily increased to 40 a week, so things are a bit overwhelming.

On another note, Armed Services we come! Haha. D has been so disgusted with how Cal has been playing, he said he would never watch another game. We'll see about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can understand D...I am debating whether or not to watch the Pioneer Bowl. I was at that horrific game this past weekend and I vowed to stop my donations until we win!!! So sad, us football fanatics. Did I mention our basketball team lost too? This is too much to handle.
