Sunday, January 20, 2008

French 75

Today we participated in Newport Beach Restaurant Week. From today until Thursday, various restaurants in Newport Beach are offering special prix fixe meals. We chose French 75 since they had a $15 lunch deal. We had attempted to go on a previous occasion at a different location, but it was closed on weekends during lunch. It did not disappoint and we were full...probably from all that butter/cream.

They served us rolls with marmalade and strawberry jam. We managed to polish off six of them. Well, k did help us, too! We ordered different things for each course so we could try more items.

First Course
1st Course
D: Shrimp Dijon--This was a nice size portion for a one-person appetizer. The regular menu listed this for $12-13 alone, so we were wondering if you usually get more or if we were just getting a really good deal.
L: French Onion Soup--The sweet onions and the salty cheese/broth went well together. The soggy crouton was good too...whoever thought of that?

Second Course
2nd Course
D: Chicken/Forest Mushroom Crepes--The chicken was nice and moist and the mushrooms were juicy (D's words).
L: Short Rib with Horseradish Sauce and Mashed Potatoes--Probably more suitable for dinner as we are not used to consuming large hunks of meat for lunch. The meat was quite tender. I also enjoyed the brussel sprouts that were on the side. We ended up taking a lot of this home since we knew we should save room for dessert.

Third Course
3rd Course
D: "Petite" Chocolate Souffle--Nice and warm. D was disappointed that the waiter dolloped whipped cream on top instead of ice cream. He still enjoyed it though!
L: Orange Cherry Creme Brulee--D was surprised at how much he enjoyed this. We gave k a few bites too, but mostly she enjoyed eating the raspberries on top. I liked the vanilla bean specks.

French 75
k seemed to enjoy both of our main courses. Hopefully we turn her into a foodie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think k is getting a good start on becoming a foodie since she eats almost everything.