Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hello World!

This is k. I would like to tell you about all the cool places I have seen before my 1 year old birthday. Here is my Top 10 List...

#1 South Kohala Coast (Big Island)
#2 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Big island)
#3 Huntington Beach
#4 Berkeley
#5 Napa
#6 Seal Beach
#7 Laguna Beach
#8 Irvine Regional park
#9 El Dorado East Regional Park
#10 Fashion Island Mall

It was a lot of fun visitng all the places; however sitting in the car seat for hours was not.

My parents are cool. However, there are a couple things that bug me about them. For one, they make me brush my teeth and they think that if they say "brush brush" in a excited voice I will want to. Also they make me drink milk and sometimes I am not even thirsty. I am looking forward to year two. I haven't been anywhere cool since I turned one; however I hear them talking about a place called Mammoth Mountain. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

A one year old that blogs! I am in awe. She needs to come speak to my students...I have seventeen year olds that still can't seem to put their name on their papers!

Anonymous said...

Wow K! You've seen more of the world by the end of your first year then I saw by the time I learned to drive. I'm looking forward to reading more of your adventures. I hear your getting to be quite the foodie,too.