Wednesday, March 19, 2008

She's Crafty

This morning I took k to her first storytime at the library. There were almost twenty kids! The theme was "spring".

k's First Craft--I hope she grows up to like crafts like me and Sasa.

It feels weird that St. Patrick's Day and Easter are so close together. On Monday I "made" corned beef (i.e. I put a pre-marinated hunk of meat from Costco in the slow cooker). It was pretty tasty, especially accompanied by some roasted potatoes, salad and ciabatta. D wanted to know if there was corn in it. No, dear.

Here is my spring tree that sits in our windowsill:
Easter Tree


Anonymous said...

Guess D has lived a pretty sheltered life.

Anonymous said...

That Spring Tree is cute! Have a "Hoppy" Easter!!
