Tuesday, July 08, 2008


As many of you know, I follow Cal football and Indiana Basketball. This keeps me busy from August to April. However I have nothing to follow during the summer. I try to get myself interested in baseball but just can't. So I decided I will follow Cal and IU swimmers (alumni or students) that compete in the Olympics. Cal alum have medaled 51 times in the Summer Olympics for swimming and IU has medaled 60 times. Also Mark Spitz (IU) and Matt Biondi (Cal) are the most decorated male swimmers (11 each). Also Natalie Coughlin medaled 5 times in 2004 and has qualified for 3 individual events in Beijing. There are a few other Cal alumni swimming in the Olypics in Beijing and at least one IU swimmer. I will definitely be rooting for them this summer and every odd year there are world championships that I will try to follow. I do enjoy swimming however I haven't been swimming since I am training for a marathon.

It is good that I will be able to follow the Olympics because Cal football and IU basketball probably won't be good this year. Good meaning Rose or Holiday bowl for Cal and Sweet Sixteen for IU.

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