Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vicente Guerrero

I went on a missions trip this week to Baja California, Mexico with WPC. We left for Mexico on Sunday morning and stopped in San Diego to pick up another van and drop items off to an International Disciple Training employee that helps bring items across the border.

Here is some of us in the Home Depot parking lot.

Here is the border crossing

The drive along the coast from Tijuana to Ensenada is beautiful. Here are some homes around Rosarita. Can you spot the island?

We also stopped in Ensenada to get gas.

We finally arrvied in Vicente Guerrero just before dinner time.

Here is a picture of our accomodations for the week.

The first night was a weekend, so Norma, the cook, doesn't work. So we went to El Pollo Loco. But it is not part of the chain restaurant in the U.S., it is a hole in the wall place. This meal was tied for the best meal during the trip.

Large Taco de Pollo y Queso

Our base camp for putting all our stuff. One old home is in the background.

To be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you speak any Spanish or should I say did you remember any Spanish? How was the weather?