Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall is Here

I know I say this every year, but I love fall! It is finally feeling a little cooler around here, although I see in the forecast that it will warm up again. D is hoping it cools off A LOT before his 1/2 marathon coming up.

Something that has been passed down from my grandma and mom is decorating for the seasons. I am sloowly building my stash of holiday decor. (I'm making a conscious effort not to let it get too out of control). I just think it is a nice way to change up your home and acknowledge the passing of time. I llike how k gets excited now, too.

fall display
Here is our kitchen nook. Those windows are the only ones downstairs that face the front of our house, so they are our windows to the world, so to speak. Notice my one lone ornament on my tree. I would like to fill it with handmade ornaments someday, for each season.

felt candy corn
What is lurking in my fall arrangement? A felt candy corn, made from a pattern found here. k really got a kick out of it, even though she has never tasted the real thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great to have family traditions passed down through the generations! Someday, K will tell her children how she inherited your appreciation of the changing seasons through decorating.