Sunday, April 18, 2010

How Not To Celebrate Your 6 Year Anniversary

D and I had grand plans to go out to brunch on Saturday morning to celebrate our six year wedding anniversary. (Nice restaurant that we've been wanting to try, babysitting lined up, etc.) However, on Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat. The kids had been sniffling away all week, so I'm pretty sure I caught it from them. When D came home from work, his throat was starting to hurt, too. Saturday morning I woke up pretty miserable, and D wasn't too much better, so we cancelled our plans. I took some Tylenol and felt functionable, but not celebratory. We pulled out our wedding album, though, and showed the kids. k was confused as to why she and n were not in the pictures.

I sent D out for takeout Japanese food for dinner, but it was nothing to write home about. I felt bad, since it was my suggestion, but D insisted it was not my fault. Meanwhile, our home became littered with tissues and quite messy since we spent all day inside, with the exception of a short trip to the park. This, in turn, makes me all the more grumpy. We did watch couple episodes of D's new favorite show: The Travel Channel's Food Wars. D ended up going to sleep at 8 p.m. Not too exciting.

I was sad, since it is not often that our anniversary actually falls on a Saturday. However, I guess I should not get so hung up on a certain day since every day should be appreciated, right? The good news is that we are all on the mend and looking forward to a short week!

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