Sunday, June 20, 2010

15 Months

15 months

D's parents were in town this past weekend so there has been a whirlwind of activity around here. However, before I go into details, I would like to pause to recognize n's 15 month birthday, which occurred last Wednesday. It is fascinating to observe the gender differences. He is definitely more into building with blocks and Legos and likes his toy cars. We suspect that he is allergic to green peas, and not wheat. He has a sweet tooth and mealtimes can be a struggle. He usually sleeps through the night, at least until 4:30 a.m. (which is actually the worst, since our alarm is set to go off at 5:10).

Another development is that k has taken to sleeping on the floor in n's room, "to keep him company". It all started when she saw a couple of ants crawling on the wall near her bed one night. She became hysterical, and my quick fix was to ask if she wanted to sleep in n's room. She did, and hasn't slept in her bed since. I thought the novelty would wear off, but I think she does actually like being near him, which I find sweet. We'll see how long this phase lasts.

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