Monday, July 05, 2010

4th of July in Tustin

For our first 4th of July in Tustin we went to Tustin High School to watch fireworks. We arrived just after 5 p.m. We were planning to park in the school lot for $5, but D missed the turn-in. We kept on going, and found a spot on the street for free, and it was not too far from the stadium. There's one side for bleacher seating, and the other side was for the picnickers. We brought sandwiches for dinner, blankets, and the wagon. Unfortunately, D didn't wear enough warm clothes. We'll know for next time. It was a lot of fun! I enjoyed how you could just spread out the blankets and eat and wait for the fireworks. People brought books, card games, balls to toss around, etc. They were selling hamburgers and hot dogs, but most people seemed to bring their own dinner. There were also port-a-potties which weren't too bad. There was live music at 6:30; fireworks started at 9 p.m. The parking situation wasn't as crazy as Irvine High School. Both kids were still up at 9...although n fell asleep during the middle. When he was up, he seemed to enjoy it, though. He raised both hands to they sky and just watched in awe. k said she loved the fireworks, and had fun naming the colors after they exploded. It was a pretty long show, and I was not disappointed. We'll definitely come back, although it is always better when July 4th is on a weekend (no work the next day).

k likes making her special raspberry-blueberry combinations.

tustin brownie
We bought a brownie for $1 from the cheerleaders. I appreciate their presentation efforts. It was a good size, moist, chewy (albeit probably from a mix) brownie. The football players were selling glow sticks for $1, but I had k bring her own glow in the dark toys from home.

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