Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Two (For Real)

Happy birthday to our little n. (Not sure when I'll stop calling him little). We are so grateful that he is in our lives. It's funny to think that k doesn't even remember life without him. He still has his sweet disposition, and is very forthcoming with his affection. He loves to copy k in everything she does. He is starting to express his opinions with more force, however, so we'll see if the terrible 2's live up to their name.

D was able to come home somewhat early for our family birthday dinner.
funny face
birthday dinner

I took the kids upstairs into k's room while D set up n's present outside.
water table
A water table! The idea for this present came to me because n has become obssessed with bringing a stool (or chair, or whatever is closest) up to the sink, turning on the water, playing with the water, and leaving the water running. He and k had a good time with the table, but it will be better when the weather warms up a bit.

n's shirt was pretty soaked by the end, so we took it off during our dessert time which featured chocolate pudding. (No cake since we have been finishing the cake from the weekend all week).

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Great pics!! Happy Birthday, N!!!