Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bouncy Birthday Party

Last night I took k and n to a birthday party for our friend that is turning 5. It was held at a place that had a big bounce obstacle course, slide and ball room. Needless to say, k and n had lots o' fun. Still waiting for n to get a little bit older, so I don't have to go up the slide with him every time! (I was able to take these pictures by climbing up with n, then sliding down first.)

slide top
slide middle
slide bottom

ball machine
We had fun playing with this ball machine that shoots the balls in the air.

Hand-painting. k doesn't like having her face painted, but the hands are OK in her book. n follows suit, of course.
hand painting
hand painting 2


birthday girl
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Tiff said...

How fun!! Can adults have parties there too?? :-)