Sunday, October 16, 2011

San Clemente Camping Trip

This past Friday we went down to San Clemente for a one-night camping trip with some people in our small group. We had reserved three sites, and there were seven adults and eight kids. I had some concerns with who our neighbors would be, after our last trip to San Clemente. However, thankfully, everything turned out fine. n had his best night of sleep during camping so far, waking up only one time. That, in turn, resulted in my best sleep during camping, too! It seemed like everyone had a good time, so hopefully we can make this an annual (at least!) outing for us.


Cami said...

We really enjoyed ourselves! It definitely brightened my weekend after a discouraging Friday morning. Thanks for organizing!

limbylim said...

We're so glad that you were able to come out, too!