Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. We went to k's preschool for our second Thanksgiving meal, ate our third Thanksgiving meal on Thursday at my parents' house, and then had leftovers for lunch and dinner the next day. Before our big meal on Thursday, we went on a hike in Peters Canyon. The rest of the weekend we were pretty much homebodies: decorating the house for Christmas, putting together Christmas cards, watching football (D), and shopping for bargains (mostly online) (me). I'm looking forward to December/Christmas!

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This is how D likes to read the newspaper.

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Thankfully, it didn't rain.

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D asked if 7 locks are really necessary...


Erin, I made the pumpkin tiramisu. It turned out great! However, I accidentally used 6 oz. of coffee instead of only 2 Tablespoons...haha. I also used more ladyfingers and made it is a 9x9 pan, so it all worked out. (BTW, Sprouts is a good source for a reasonable price on ladyfingers).


Miss Crayola Creepy said...

I definitely think seven locks is overkill, this is coming from someone that works in a locksmith shop! :)

The tiramisu looks amazing!! Did you look at the other recipes on her site? I want to make everything.

Did you see Grandma at all on Thanksgiving? She told me that she was excited to see N :)

Lauren said...

Yes, we ate Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma. Hope you guys had a nice Thanksgiving, too!