Monday, February 06, 2012

Fake Wood Never Looked So Good

I stole D's facebook line for the title of this post. We had a busy weekend. I went to a Sally Clarkson motherhood conference. It was a great time for renewal and encouragement. While I was gone, we had new flooring put in our downstairs living areas. I was nervous about the color we chose, but I like how it turned out. First, I will show some "before" pictures. The carpet is old, but it was in fairly good shape when we bought our place in 2009. I remember not wanting to replace the carpet when we first moved because n was still crawling on the floor.

Fast forward 2.5 years of hard living with two little ones...Despite the Rug Doctor and various other cleaning attempts, there were certain sections that we just could not do anything about.





Here are a couple of "after" photos.



Actually, I think it looks better in person, because you can see more of the subtle detail that the camera does not capture. I would highly recommend the company that did the work, so if anyone needs a recommendation in Orange County, let me know.

Putting in the new flooring makes me want to paint our walls even more! I guess that will be our next project.

1 comment:

Miss Crayola Creepy said...

It looks so good and I love that chevron rug!