Monday, March 04, 2013

Poundcake Day & Backyardigans

Happy National Poundcake Day!  I made this one from this recipe


Not perfect, but I am not really on the quest to find “the best” since we do not eat it very often.  I think that is in part due to the name “poundcake” (which comes from the original recipe including a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs and a pound of butter), but implies the pounds you will gain from eating it.  In contrast, I think Girl Scouts Thin Mints’ enormous popularity is largely attributable to the fact that the name includes “thin”!  Really genius marketing if you think about it.

In other news, k and n seem to have just discovered that the backyard is a fun hangout, after four years of living in this house. 


They’ve been playing baseball, scootering in a small circle, and putting on “shows” for their stuffed animal audience.  I remember my mom used to lament the fact that the backyard I grew up with in Seal Beach was so much smaller than the one she and her sister had growing up in North Hollywood.  Now, our backyard is even smaller than the Seal Beach one!  But really, I am just grateful to have a space, however small, where the kids can play safely outside with minimal supervision.  And the kids make do, as kids do.   


Miss Crayola Creepy said...

Grandma and Grandpas backyard was like a forrest to me! I remember thinking it was huge! Wish I had that lemon tree and avocado tree...

Lauren said...

I know! And don't forget the satsuma tangerine tree...those were the best.