Thursday, September 05, 2013

1st Day of 1st Grade


Yesterday was k’s first day of school.  There is a lot for her to adjust to: new (earlier) start time, new teacher, new classroom, new classmates, etc.  The school day is also a lot longer.  She seems to be handling it well, though. 


Her teacher (the one in the plaid shirt) is new to the school, so we don’t have any info about him.  k seems to like him so far, though.


Meanwhile, THIS has been giving me a headache.  I’ve given up hope, and our beloved Series 2 Tivo will need to be replaced.  It did last a good 8 years, though.  I’ve been teaching the kids that “people are more important than things” and I need to take that lesson to heart myself.

1 comment:

Miss Crayola Creepy said...

She is so adorable!