Thursday, May 29, 2014

Food @ Tahquitz Pines

It was nice not having to plan meals, cook, and clean up for a couple of days.  The food was better than we expected, and always served with a smile. 


The first night was fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, cornbread, and a berry cheesecake dessert.


Sunday breakfast was certainly filling: french toast, country potatoes, eggs, and sausage.  I’m not sure if the berries were meant for the french toast, but they went well together.  There was also an assortment of cereals that I usually do not buy, so the kids were excited to try them out.


Lunch was beef taquitos (not really, but I cannot remember what they called them), beans, rice, salad, and a strawberry churro.  This was k’s favorite meal, but it was a little spicy for n.


Pork tenderloin, potato medley, mixed vegetables, salad, and roll plus cheesecake (not pictured).  This was our least favorite, mainly because the pork was so plain.  I dressed mine up with homemade tonkatsu sauce—ketchup + A1.  We were supposed to have a pie social after the evening session, but there was a mix-up, so we ended up with vanilla ice cream instead. 


Last breakfast: biscuit with gravy, country potatoes, eggs, bacon and fruit. 

Our last lunch was turkey burgers, salad, chips and a turtle brownie, of which I failed to take a picture.  We ate with the kids about half the time, and the other half they ate with other kids at their own table.  It is hard to believe that they are at an age where that is possible!  Seeing all the younger families with booster seats and baby food made me remember how difficult mealtime used to be. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like we missed out!