Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Moms Select Whole Foods Tour

I took n along for a tour of Whole Foods.  We signed up through my new favorite site: www.greenmomsmeet.com.  The tour filled up fast online, but only one other mother/son duo showed up besides us!  I thought our tour guide did a great job of highlighting the quality of the food at Whole Foods, while also emphasizing the value that can be found.  I have to admit, I do not go to Whole Foods too often, mainly due to my perception that it is pricey.  I think Whole Foods is trying to get away from its reputation of being “Whole Paycheck”.

It has been a while since I have visited Whole Foods.  I had forgotten how impressive their selection is, especially its prepared foods area.  We were also given a reusable shopping bag with a few samples, which was nice.  The tour brought Whole Foods back into my radar, and I hope they can continue to thrive as a business committed to local, organic, healthy, sustainable food. 

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