Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I <3 My Snoogle

A couple of months ago I did some research on body pillows. Not for my pregnancy, but just because I have always wanted one. I did a search on Target.com and came across the "Snoogle", which I had never heard of before. After reading all of the glowing reviews, especially by pregnant women, I decided to buy it. Even though it is expensive (closer to $60 inc. tax/shipping), I must say that it is worth it. I've pretty much slept with it every night since I bought it. I feel like my sleep is "deeper", as I have noticed that I dream a lot more now--seriously! Also, it helps tremendously in keeping me positioned on my left side (apparently, you're not supposed to sleep on your right side or on your back while pregnant). D doesn't mind the extra space it takes up in the bed (some reviewers cited this as a problem). Plus, my mom made me this super duper cute cover for it with an old sheet I had bought (from Target) a long time ago.

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