Saturday, April 19, 2008

Goose Festival

Our family outing for the day was the Wayzgoose Festival at UCI. It is the campus open house held every year, with food, games, car show, and music.

Side note: During the week, D has a lot on his mind. Usually about Wed. or Thurs. I start mentioning the activities we have planned for the weekend, which he doesn't really pay attention to. I had mentioned we were going to Wayzgoose a few times, but I guess he didn't fully process it. When we arrived at the parking lot he told the attendant that we were there to attend the Goose Festival. The attendant kind of smiled and said, you mean the Wayzgoose? Um, yeah, that's it.

Anyways, I thought it was cool how the students were very involved in running it. (Unlike Berkeley's Cal Day, at least when we were there). Reflecting the diverse student body, the food booths had some interesting options. I think Korean BBQ was a bit overrepresented, however. There was a lone Japanese booth, serving spam musubi. D wanted to support the Latino booth, but we ended up going the Asian route...Vietnamese pork sandwich with black milk tea, Filipino chicken skewers and lumpia (everything on the menu was a $1!) and a Korean BBQ skewer plate, complete with kimchi.

wayzgoose food
k enjoyed the chicken skewers.

There were a lot of booths! It was much better than the other Irvine festival we went to a couple of weeks ago.

There was a presentation by the Santa Ana Zoo. That will be one of our next family outings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SA Zoo-- lotsa monkeys, kinda smelly, train ride is okay.