Friday, May 09, 2008

All-You-Can-Eat Strawberries

Today k and I went with our moms' group to Tanaka Farms. It's hard to believe that when we went last year, k couldn't even eat strawberries. Well, k was able to enjoy herself a lot more this time around!

The tour takes place in a tractor-pulled wagon. They give you lots of produce to sample, so I was smart enough to bring plastic bags this time for the leftovers. Another mom came even more prepared, with a container of ranch dressing! (Good for dipping the carrots, lettuce, etc.)


banana tree
Our Tourguide

Trying an onion

Hey, it's a scarecrow

Have you ever seen carrots like this?

Then, the best part. They let you off the tractor and give you fifteen minutes to pick and eat all of the strawberries you want. (No saving any for later).

eating strawberry

k certainly ate her money's worth. She must have had at least 15!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe k has changed so much in one year. She is wearing a cute t-shirt.