Tuesday, June 03, 2008


This post is dedicated to my sister, the librarian, who is celebrating her birthday today. Growing up, we loved reading. During the summers we would create a reading corner and challenge ourselves to re-read all of our paperback "Apple" books (remember those?). We also enjoyed participating in the summer reading programs at the library.

I am glad to say that k is also really into books. However, it's difficult to keep reading book after book to her. Thankfully, she is slowly starting to be able to look at books by herself sometimes.
And sometimes, more than one at a time!

Happy Birthday, Sis, (aka Sister-in-Law, and Auntie)!


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'm glad to see K reading. Funny how I'm planning summer reading programs now!


Anonymous said...

What prize did you like the best? . . .was it the Rossmoor Bakery cookie?