Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Day of "School"

Not counting church, today was the first day I have left k with complete strangers. We started CBS, and k was put in the 12-24 month class. It didn't go too well. She started crying when I handed her over, and apparently kept crying. One of the caregivers had to hold her the whole time or she would start crying again. When I picked her up, she wasn't crying, but she was being held. I feel bad for her rude awakening to the "real world" where the ones closest to her aren't around, but I know it is a necessary step. We'll see how long it takes her to adjust!

I couldn't help but take a couple of pictures of k before she left for her class.
Sorry for the diaper shot, but she looked so cute in this picture, I had to post it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

School already? . . .hard to believe.