Saturday, January 09, 2010

Taking it Easy

I thought our family had recovered from a virus that made its way from k-->D-->n, but it looks like we're not out of the woods yet. On Wed. night, I saw D throw up for the very first time in the 12+ years that I have known him. Sorry if that is TMI, but I find that remarkable since he has witnessed me being sick too many times to count.

So, this weekend we're not doing anything too strenuous and trying to recover.

Costco cart
Love the double shopping carts at Costco!

Had fun organizing my plasticware cabinet. Quite satisfying.
before cabinet

after cabinet
"After" (Note that the major addition is a set of Snapware that I bought on sale for $20 at Costco today. It is supposed to be like Lock and Lock, of which I have a few. We'll see how they compare. The set also included two cereal containers, which are in the pantry).

I also started a deep cleaning out of our bedroom/office after the kids went to bed. This is going to be a long process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Add Baba & Zsa Zsa to your list of roto virus victims.