Thursday, July 19, 2012

Swim Lessons @ Woollett

k and n took two sessions of swimming lessons that ended today.  Here is a video that I made on a whim of their experience.  I realize that the song choice is not the most appropriate, but it just screams "Summer 2012" to me.  Plus, they were playing the song at the pool today, so there is some correlation.  This year, k really made big strides in a short amount of time.  At the start of swim lessons this year she could barely do a back float.  Now, she can take a few breaths while swimming freestyle (although not shown in this video) and she just started to learn the backstroke.  This from the girl that was crying when her teacher dunked her underwater last year.  I remember other parents telling me that it will just "click" and now I can see what they mean.      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can tell they will be swimming like fish soon!