Wednesday, July 11, 2012

World’s Smartest Dog & Red Robin Soft Opening

On Saturday we returned to the Discovery Science Museum just to see the dog show.  There was a stage set up in the parking lot with bleachers.  Also, it was so crowded that D ended up having to park at Main Place! 
The most impressive trick was when two kids from the audience picked a block with a number on it, the blocks were thrown into a pile of other blocks with numbers, the trainer told the dog the number that was picked, and the dog picked out the block with the number from the pile.  According to the trainer, this dog has performed for the king of Morocco—wow.
At night we went to the new Red Robin that is opening at the District (the one in the Marketplace shut down).  As a Red Robin Royalty member I was able to get an invite to the sneak preview where each person could get a drink and entrée and each party could share a mocktail (i.e. shake) for free!
We rarely order drinks at restaurants, so this was a real treat for us.  I can’t believe that Red Robin only serves whole milk.  This isn’t the midwest, you know.
We upgraded to parmesan garlic fries just because we could.  The kids liked the mac and cheese and mandarin orange slices.
k is so tan now from all of her swim lessons.
Of course, n enjoyed the mint brownie shake.  One of D’s co-workers also took advantage of the deal and we ended up being seated at the table right next to his.  It’s funny because the last time we saw his family out and about was at the Marketplace Red Robin—RIP.  I hope something good replaces it. 

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