Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Post Halloween Wrap-Up

Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be upon us.  However, I don’t want to miss out on posting some pictures from Halloween.  It was a fun-packed day.  I took the day off from work and 1. Walked k to school and stayed for the beginning of her Halloween parade.  2.  Took n to his speech therapy class.  3.  Took n to his preschool Halloween party and stayed to help.  4. Took both kids to a community Halloween event (see train ride picture). 5.  Went to our neighborhood pizza party and witnessed the Gangnam Style performance from my previous post.  (n is now doing the dance—uh oh).  6.  Went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  By the end, the kids finally had the hang of saying “Trick or Treat?” and “Thank You!”  Put a bowl of candy out since we were out trick-or-treating.  7.  Collapsed into bed.  Three minutes later, n called out from his room…”Mommy, me have a lot of candy, right?”  k reassured him that yes, he still had a lot.






Dividing the candy stash (with a separate pile for the candy with nuts—for mom and dad!)

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