Thursday, November 15, 2012

Recovering Our Kitchen Chairs

We bought our dining set pre-kids.  We distinctly remember the salesperson trying to upsell us into purchasing some sort of stain protector coating for the microsuede.  Instead, we opted to Scotchguard it ourselves.  Now, seven years later, we laugh, because no amount of Scotchguard could guard against the messes of k + n.


Exhibit 1.  It actually looks worse in person.

I decided to DIY some oilcloth covers.

Step 1.  Take seat off of chair.  Not a problem with this one, because the seat had already come loose. 

Step 2.  Remove old cover by removing staples from underneath.



Step 3. Realize this is a much bigger task than I thought because there are a lot more staples underneath the black lining.  This is by far the most time-consuming, labor-intensive part. 

Step 4. Cut out oilcloth using the old cover as a pattern.

Step 5. Have husband use staple gun while I try to pull the oilcloth even and taut.  Step 5.a. Get frustrated because I cannot get everything perfectly even.  Step 5.b.  Have husband remind me that perfection is impossible because I am not a professional upholsterer.  Step. 5.c.  Realize that husband is right, and settle for “good enough”.  


Step 6.  Screw seat back into the chair. 

Step 7.  Repeat process for other three chairs.  (So far 2 down, 2 to go).


Cami said...

I think it looks amazing! I'm impressed. I like the pattern on the oilcloth, too. :)

Miss Crayola Creepy said...

I love it! And the oilcloth you chose is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Good Job, you two!