Sunday, July 27, 2014

Woodbridge Park Concert Series: Pacific Symphony

Tonight we went to a concert at Mike Ward park in Irvine, which is near the Woodbridge Lake.  The city of Irvine puts on a series of concerts every summer, but this is the first time that we have made it.  We brought a picnic dinner consisting of Subway sandwiches (1/2 off, thanks to a coupon in the mail).  We brought chairs and blankets to sit on.  Since there is basically no shade, we should have also brought an umbrella.  (They ask you to take down the umbrellas once the performance starts).  Luckily, we ran into a family we know that had a huge EZ up, so we were able to “borrow” some shade.  We also ran into two families from k’s girl scout troop.


There were some kids activities set up before the concert started.  The kids made musical medals, consisting of paper plates with beans stapled inside to make noise.

We also had time to cross the bridge to see the lake.

Contemplating how deep the water is.

Enjoying a drink from the “Water Monster”.

Conductor Carl St. Clair teaching the kids how to conduct with straws.

This is how n likes to eat Oreos.


Irvine Mayor Steve Choi declared July 27 to be “St. Clair Day”.  This will be Mr. St. Clair’s 25th year conducting the Pacific Symphony.  We only made it through the first three songs because there was so much talking beforehand. 


Conductor k.

There was an opera singer for the Carmen songs.  I Red heartmy new zoom!

Interesting sky on the way home.

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