Friday, August 01, 2014

Girl Scout Camp

Well, we made it through four days of Girl Scout Camp.  Since I was volunteering, n was able to attend as well.  It was hot, and tiring, but also fun at the same time.  The theme for the camp was musical theater.  Our unit was called “Music Man”, and now I want to go watch some musical movies.

The girl with the green face had makeup applied as part of the theater makeup demonstration.

n and his boys’ unit.  I was not too sure how he would do with all of those older boys, but he was fine.  His camp name was “Hoopster”.  He really hit it off with “Captain’s” son, who was nine years old.

I really wanted to know what they were talking about.  Smile

This song leader amazed me.  I do not understand how she could still have a voice after singing at the top of her lungs for four days for five rotations. 

One of the rotations was “Speaker”.  This improv group was impressive, since I know that is something I would never be able to do.

Maybe k or n will have this music director as a teacher at their future high school.

Water game where they had to pass a container of water with hooks.  Quote of the day from one of the girls: “This game would be a lot more challenging if this [water] was hot lava”.  Another funny quote when I asked another girl if she enjoyed playing freeze tag during free time.  “Yeah!  No one tagged me.  I think it was because of a combination of my speed and stamina.”   Haha!

There were also community projects, including making seed balls for the Irvine Conservancy.

I will talk about our hats/swaps in another post, but that was a lot of fun as well.

I’m thinking I will have to volunteer again next year, since n had so much fun!

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