Sunday, August 31, 2014

KCNP: Roaring River Falls & Zumwalt Meadow

Kings Canyon National Park is strange in that the General Grant Tree is part of the park, but then you drive about thirty miles through the Sequoia National Forest before hitting Kings Canyon again.  Our next stop was Roaring River Falls, which is just a short hike from the parking lot.

The river was pretty low due to the drought…not exactly “roaring”.

At least there was still some water for the waterfall.  Note the guy on the left who jumped from the cliff.  We advised k and n not to do that when they are older!

Our final Kings Canyon stop was Zumwalt Meadow.

The clear water was so lovely.

Crossing a bridge is always fun.


The meadow was so pretty, just like a postcard.

The kids were starting to complain, but we found the perfect resting spot.

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