Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Angels Game and a Random Act of Kindness

Last night, we watched the Angels play the Marlins courtesy of the OC Register.  D was prepared to pay the $10 parking fee, when the attendant asked if we were a family.  Puzzled, D said yes, and then she said that someone had given her a preferred parking pass to give to a family.  So, we did not have to pay for parking, and were able to park really close to the stadium!  That was such a nice surprise and was much appreciated.

For evening games, try to sit in left field so you are in the shade earlier.

Our seats were really high up.  People around us were joking about getting nosebleeds.  However, k actually did get a nosebleed!

I really like Angels Stadium…it is kept up well, and it does feel like our “home team”.

We were too high up for the t-shirt cannons.

Putting my zoom to the test.

We won, 8-2.  We left after the 7th inning.

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